Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Special Judge Shivpal Singh on Thursday did not sentence former Bihar Chief Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav and postponed it for perhaps one day. At the same time, in the courtroom there were some such moments when the people present there laughed at the face.
According to the lawyer present in the court, Lalu Yadav said to the judge, 'Sir, it feels very cold in jail.' On this, the judge said 'So you are called court here, so that you can meet people. If you feel cold, you play harmonium or tabla to remove it. '
Lalu Prasad said in the court that he did not do anything wrong and stating in his trouble that he was 'very cold' in jail. The RJD leader said that there are many other problems as well. They are not allowed to meet prisoners in jail.
When Lalu Prasad Yadav claimed that he is innocent in this matter, the judge said, 'You were the Chief Minister and in charge of the Finance Department. You did not take action on time. Please go Today, you do not have a day to be punished. ' Lalu Prasad said after this, "Sir, I am a lawyer too. On this, the judge said, then you should bring a degree in jail. '
it's funny